A Kingpin's Dream 2: Forever Ain't Enough Read online

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  “Thank you God,” I prayed as I began to realize that a bitch was going to be able to pay rent and get those Red Bottoms I wanted.

  As soon as I made my way off the stage, I headed to the booth were the men I met with Nino were sitting. “Hey fellas, long time no see,” I said as I eyed Juan and Keith.

  “Wassup girl, we haven’t seen you since the meeting we had at Hooters awhile back. You looking good tonight,” Keith said eyeing me.

  “Thank you, what brings you two out here to Atlanta?”

  “Shit, we trying to come up. And we willing to do it anyway we can and cross whoever the fuck we need to cross in order to get to the top," Juan said as he slapped hands with Keith. They were willing to cross whoever to get to the top. They could be the very thing I needed in order to get revenge. I just had to convince them that I was that bitch that they could work with. I needed them to trust me.

  “You guys should let me join your team. I know a lot of shit that can help you take over,” I lied. If anything, I was going to have them help me out then probably kill them in the end when I no longer needed them.

  Keith immediately started laughing. I got pissed. Just because I was a female that didn’t mean I couldn’t get down. If I had to show them I could get down and dirty for them to trust me then that’s what I was going to have to do.

  “Since you niggas don’t believe me. What do I have to do to make it seem like I’m trustworthy?” I asked.

  “In all honesty ma, you got Nino killed because you fucked up his plan. Nino was the key we needed in order to get into Adonis and Ramses operation and you fucked that up. He had you do one simple thing and you blew it out of proportion and now he’s dead and you’re on the run. Adonis just upped the bounty on your head to 350 grand ma. You’ll be dead before you know it. I need that type of money. I may kill your ass my damn self,” Juan said seriously.

  “And that green wig you got on ain’t helping shit, you still look the same. Plus you working at Magic City, everybody that Adonis fuck with come in here and you stupid enough to strip here. You don’t think ma,” Keith explained shaking his head.

  They had a point. But I wasn’t trying to hear that right now. If I was going to die then I needed Briana to die with me. She couldn’t live happily ever after, she just couldn’t. I slowly walked over to both men and sat in between them. I placed one leg on Juan and the other on Keith. My kitty was now spread open. I took both of their hands and let them pet her as I moaned. Their eyes were now bulging out of their head.

  “You see fellas, pussy runs the world. I’m a woman. I have things that men crave and want. I’m sure you have men you want dead, well I have somebody I need dead. I’ll help you set up a couple people with the power of this pussy as long as you guys help me kill Briana.”

  As their fingers roamed the inside and outside of my pussy, I sat there staring at them as soft moans escaped my mouth. Both of their hands felt amazing. They were both fine too so that also added to the pleasure I was experiencing. No, they weren’t Adonis, but shit they were ok in my book. Keith stopped fingering me and immediately got up.

  “Bitch is you crazy, that’s Adonis’ bitch. You think we crazy enough to kill off his girl. Did you not see what he did when that hoe went missing,” he boomed.

  “Well you said you were using Nino so that you could break into his operation.”

  “Nah bitch, we were trying to join his operation not cross him. We wanted to be down with the team. Anybody affiliated with him make's mad money. You fucking crazy if you think I’m about to commit suicide by helping you kill his bitch,” Keith yelled.

  “Listen, when Briana went missing, Adonis was weak. He wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t running his business as he normally did when that shit popped off. If we kidnap her, he will become weak again. That’s when y’all will have a chance to take over the empire. Fuck joining him when you can beat him,” I said smiling. I could tell they were thinking about what I was saying. Hopefully, they gave in and gave me a chance. I sat up and crossed my legs as I waited for my answer. They both looked at each other then looked at me.

  “Aight ma, we in. What’s the plan?” Juan said. A devious grin formed on my face. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I realized my plan was about to fall into place. “But first we need to make sure you loyal,” Keith said as he eyed me.

  “You see that Mexican nigga over there, that’s Jose Carter, an up and coming drug dealer that has a few stash houses here in Atlanta. You need to rob him and kill him tonight. If you follow through with everything then we know you loyal, if you don’t we gon’ beat you to a pulp, take you to Adonis, and tell him what your plan was,” Juan said as him and Keith slapped hands.

  “Oh, and we’ll also take the money that he wants for finding you,” Keith said as they shared a laugh. I knew they were serious, so I didn’t even crack a smile. They must not have known who I was; I was the queen of betrayal. My plan was to kill them before they killed me. I’m sure they were going to use me just like I had plans of using them. They were going to kill me after I set up all the niggas they wanted dead, then beat me to a pulp and send me to Adonis, but I was smarter than them. I was going to turn them against each other and manipulate the both of them. I had already come up with a plan and practiced it in my head how I wanted my operation to work.

  “Watch me work,” I said as I dusted my shoulders off and sashayed over to Mr. Jose. He was a little chubby Mexican with about fifty chains that adorned his neck. He fucked up when he sat all of his money on the table. When you flaunt all of your earrings in front of niggas that wanted your spot that usually ended up in death in the drug world. He was mingling with a few other strippers but I didn’t care. I sat on his lap and looked at Tonya and Sharese begging them to say something so that I could take all my anger out on their ass. Just like I thought they didn’t say shit, they got up and walked over to the next baller.

  “Oh papa, I love your chains,” I said stroking his ego. He licked his lips and rubbed my thighs as he nibbled on my earlobe. I could instantly smell the alcohol on his breath. Great, this is going to make my job so much easier, I thought as I moved his hands down to my pussy. “This could be all yours papa, if you want it, you can get it now,” I said as I faked a moan.

  “Shit, let’s go then. I need to get this nut off anyway,” he said as he tried to stand up. I stood up and walked over to the money that sat on the table.

  “You need to take this or these niggas will rob you, your name ain’t big enough to be feared yet so you have to watch your back.”

  “Damn girl, you right, grab that duffle bag and stuff all the money in there while I tell my niggas I’m leaving for tonight,” I shook my head because he was dumb. Rule #1 you never let a random bitch touch your money, Rule #2 you never turn your back on a random bitch that’s handling your money and rule #3 never ever let a stripper bitch handle your money. I had already stuffed four 100-dollar bills in my bra and he didn’t even expect it. Hell, he was so dumb and drunk, if I wanted to walk over to where Keith and Juan was sitting I could have with the duffle bag in hand. Jose quickly came back over to me and took the duffle bag away from me throwing it around his shoulder. “Let’s go ma,” he said as he guided me to the front entrance.

  As we stepped outside, he palmed my ass as he walked me to the back of a Dumpster. My nose flared in anger. This nigga had big money from what I can tell and he wasn’t even decent enough to take me to a five star hotel. He must’ve sensed my anger because he started babbling at the mouth about how he didn’t drive and this is the best he could do for just a quick nut.

  “I’ll pay you even more for fucking you behind a dumpster don’t worry,” he said as he stroked his mustache. The dumpster was pretty far from the club. There were two bricks that sat behind it, he placed his duffle bag on the floor and immediately pulled out a clear bag with crack rocks in it. He looked at me.

  “You do crack?” He asked as he pulled a foil pipe out of his pocket.

>   “I usually put some powder on my gums, I've never did it like that before,” I said as he dumped some of it in the hole of the pipe.

  “Baby, you ain’t getting high enough doing it that way. Go head and take a seat on this brick,” he pointed to the brick as he took his jacket off and laid it down trying to make the brick look comfortable. I happily sat down as I watched him prepare everything. He quickly lit a match and placed the burning flame under the pipe. “Go ahead and take the first hit,” he said passing it to me. I inhaled slowly as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Once I was done, I gave it back to him as I watched him inhale several times. The crack started to kick in and the feeling that had taken over my body felt amazing. I saw Keith and Juan come out of the club. Then I remembered I had to set this nigga up. I didn’t want to fuck him now, the high I was on felt just right and I didn’t want it to vanish by fucking this lame. He leaned back on the brick wall as he closed his eyes. I pulled the razor out of my mouth and stared him. Here I was, about to take his life because I wanted somebody else dead. My life was going downhill. I could have had a family and could have lived happily ever after with Adonis. Then I remembered he was taken by that bitch Briana. All of my second thoughts quickly left my mind as I ran my razor across his neck. Blood started to gush everywhere and even got in my hair. Keith and Juan quickly ran over to me and snatched his duffle bag. I grabbed the bag with the crack in it and stood up.

  “Let’s go before somebody see us” Juan said as he pulled me away from the scene. We quickly ran to their car and got in. I placed the cocaine in my bra and sat in the back seat staring at Jose’s body out of the window.

  “Where you living at?” Keith asked as he started the car.

  “I don’t live anywhere right now, I’m staying in a motel off of 55, y’all can take me back there.”

  “Nah, you staying with us from now on. We trust you now because you just offed a major nigga in Atlanta. We were lying about him being small time. He work for Adonis, now you got two teams that’s about to be out to kill you because I’m pretty sure the guard saw what you did. You gon’ have to lay low for a while, you can’t go back to that strip joint ma. We got an extra room for you in our apartment that you can sleep in.”

  “Listen, I’m not trying to live with y’all. I just killed this nigga to show y’all how I work. I don’t have time to be living happily ever after in a house with two niggas. I need Briana dead NOW!!!! Since I did my deed, now y’all need to do yours. We going back to Chicago tomorrow morning. We can all stay in my mom’s basement. I like to get shit done fast, ain’t no time for waiting,” I said I as I shook my head.

  “Aight then, we move out tomorrow, I’m pretty sure the money in the bag will last us for a while. You the boss ma, whatever you say we got you,” Keith said as he slapped hands with Juan. A devious grin formed on my face as I thought about the different ways I could torture Briana. I was ready to put my plan in motion.


  As I sat at the bar awaiting my next customer, I filed my nails as I watched Basketball Wives on the large screen that was plastered on the wall. I worked at a bar that was located downtown called Spices. It had just opened up and needed a bartender, hell I needed the job so that I could provide for my son and I. Since my son was with his father for the next two weeks while I got settled here, I picked up night shifts because they brought in more money and that was what I needed.

  Money wasn’t necessarily tight, but you couldn’t have too much in my eyes. It was Sunday, so the bar was fairly empty; it was going on 3am, which meant night shift would be over at four. I couldn’t wait to get home and soak in a bath. I needed sleep badly. Luckily, I didn’t have school on Mondays, so I could sleep in. I decided to grab a towel and clean the counters off for the tenth time. With my back facing the door, I picked up each and every glass bottle that contained alcohol and wiped underneath the surface. All of a sudden, the bells to the front entrance sounded indicating someone had just come in. With my back still turned I said, “Welcome to Spices. How may I help you?” The person said nothing yet I could hear them moving the chair at the bar and sitting in it. I turned around only to be met with his glare.

  “What are the odds of me finding you here?” he said laughing. I stood there frozen because he was clever with his approach. How did he find out where I worked? I was excited to see him yet I didn’t want it to be apparent on my face. I didn’t answer him, so he spoke again.

  “Give me a shot of Hennesy, I had a long night. A girl that I admire wouldn’t let me take her home earlier today. She shot me down in front of my family and I don’t think she gave a fuck about it,” Turk said as he eyed me.

  “I didn’t try to hurt you, Turk,” I said as I retrieved a shot glass from the cabinet.

  “You ain’t hurt me, that was just fucked up.”

  “Well, I’m sorry,” I said as I handed him his drink. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as we stared at one another. I gazed upon the two teardrops that complimented his face. I wanted to ask what they meant but I was afraid he would blow me off with the question again. So I didn’t.

  “Why you looking at my face like that ma,” he asked as if he wasn’t eye fucking the shit out of me.

  “I was just admiring the teardrops on your face.”

  “What time you getting off work,” he asked as he sipped his Henneesy never taking his eyes off me.

  “I don’t get off till 7am,” I lied. Turk didn’t seem like the person to possess patience and I was hoping he would leave because my palms were beginning to sweat again and he was making me nervous.

  “Well it looks like we have a lot of catching up to do because I’m not leaving and I don’t have shit better to do anyway,” he laughed. I cursed under my breath realizing that it was going to be impossible to get rid of him. A storm of thoughts came rushing to my head as I tried to think of a lie to get him to leave.

  “You know I have a boyfriend, Turk,” I said watching his facial expression. He seemed unfazed and chuckled as he pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through whatever he was looking at.

  “Did you hear me?” I repeated. He slowly got up and set his jacket down on the counter. He walked around the bar to the entrance where only employees were permitted. What the hell is this nigga is doing, he gon’ get me fired already I thought as I started backing away. He had a look of determination in his eyes. There was a customer that was sleep in one of the booths so I wasn’t embarrassed if he saw us, other than him, it was just Turk and I on the floor. Turk suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me into his embrace. He quickly picked me up and sat me on the counter with my back facing the front entrance.

  “Ma, you see this shit right here,” he asked as he pulled out his gun and admired it. “This here is a Glock 43 fully loaded, you see the chrome on this motherfucker and how clean it is,” he asked. I nodded mesmerized by the gun. It was nice to say the least. “In this gun is six bullets.” He placed the gun back in his waist before he placed his hands on both sides of my hips staring directly in my eyes before he continued. “I don’t have a problem using all six of those fucking bullets on a nigga that’s out there claiming what’s mine,” he stated. My heart was beating through my chest and the hairs on the back of my neck were literally standing up. His tone was dark and deep, and his look was stern.

  “You have a boyfriend, huh,” he chuckled “Well go grab your phone and tell that mothafucka it’s over,” he said as he moved from in front of me waiting for me to hop off the counter. When I didn’t move, it seemed as though he became agitated. “So you don’t hear me? Where your phone? I’ll tell the nigga myself,” he said trying to walk away before I grabbed him.

  “Turk stop, I lied okay… I don’t have a damn boyfriend so calm down,” I pleaded. A sinister grin crept on his face as he looked at me. All of a sudden, my boss Big Al appeared from the back and looked like he was about to go off on my ass until he saw Turk.

  “Turk, nigga what is up?” he said as he embraced Tu
rk being in his presence. “What you doing here?” he asked him. Turk simply nodded my way and pointed to me.

  “Damn Turk, this you? Miracle, you dating my fucking boss and you ain’t tell me,” Big Al yelled waking up the sleeping customer that sat in the booth. How was I supposed to know that Turk was his boss when I just moved here?

  “She didn’t know bruh,” Turk laughed slapping hands with Al.

  “Fuck man, now I’m going to have to find another bartender to work night shifts,” Al said as he exhaled and shook his head. I was confused, why would he have to find another bartender when he had me.

  “I’m keeping my job, I don’t know why you have to find a worker because I’m not going anywhere,” I said. They both started laughing as if what I said was funny, but I was serious as a heart attack. Turk couldn’t just sit up here and stop my money flow or he was going to have to come up out of his pockets to support my son and me.

  “Girl you think Turk gon’ let you work here knowing the type of niggas that parade in and out of those doors, you’re my best looking worker and men will constantly try to hit on you...Turk ain’t having that,” Al said as he looked at Turk who happened to have a smile on his face.

  “Man you don’t mind if she get off early do you?” Turk sarcastically asked Al as if he wasn’t the boss.

  Al put up both of his hands like he was surrendering and said, “I’m closing up anyway, my wife tripping. Just help me find another worker because I can’t be here through these nights if I’m about to have a baby, boss,” Al said as he pulled out his cell phone.

  “I got you, no doubt,” Turk said as he picked me up and placed me on the floor. “Go grab your purse or any belongings you may have, so we can go,” he demanded. I didn’t want to embarrass him by telling him off in front of Al, so I just went to the back to retrieve my items. As soon as Turk saw me walking to the front of the bar, he walked outside. Al waited until I got to the front door so he could hold it open for me. I saw Turk leaning against this matte black 2015 Escalade.