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A Kingpin's Dream 2: Forever Ain't Enough Page 2

  “I won’t tell, Mula, my lips are sealed,” Nino said walking towards the house.

  “Nino, I meant Adonis, Turk, and Ramses. Somebody has to stay up here and watch the kids in the swimming pool. They need supervision, so you need to supervise. We’ll come back up here in a couple of hours…. Come along boys,” Mula said as he past Nino with the boys on his tail.

  Nino stood there looking dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe he had been dismissed like that in front of “The Men” of the family. All he wanted to do was fit in and show Mula that he could be one of them. Nino felt rage go through his body. He looked at the kids playing by the pool and saw Turk’s little sister who was only two standing there staring at the other children as they swam. He walked over to her.

  “What’s wrong with you, Tasha,” he asked as he looked at her. She wasn’t able to speak in complete sentences yet. She pointed to the pool and yelled, “Swim” as she watched the other kids splash each other. Nino’s thoughts rushed to Turk laughing when Mula told him he couldn’t go downstairs. He had gotten mad all over again.

  “You want to swim Tasha,” he asked her again. Tasha shook her head again as an innocent smile graced her face. “Go over to the edge and look into the water, then you’ll be able to swim.” She did as she was told and walked towards the edge of the pool where the deep end was. Nino looked around to see if any adults were watching him. He slowly walked towards Tasha and placed his hands on her shoulder.

  “You’ll be able to swim now,” he said as he pushed her small body into the shallow end of the pool. As she kicked and screamed, her body began to sink. Nino smiled to himself as he watched her eyes close and her body hit the bottom of the pool. No one paid attention to what was going on. He quickly walked away and started to run through the house claiming that he couldn’t find Tasha. Barbra started to panic along with the other women that came to the picnic.

  “Run downstairs and go get the boys, we need everybody to look for her,” Barbra yelled. Nino made his way down the stairs with a smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to see the look on Turk’s face when he found out that his baby sister was missing, or even better…Dead! He entered the men’s den and came upon Adonis, Turk, and Ramses smoking cigars with Mula while laughing. Mula looked at Nino angrily.

  “Nino, I told you to watch the kids, what are you doing down here,” Mula spat as he got up.

  “Grams told me to come down here to gather everybody because I couldn’t find Tasha, she’s missing.”

  “What the fuck you mean she’s missing nigga? She was ok when we were up there. I swear to God if something is wrong with my sister, I’m fucking yo big ass up,” Turk boomed.

  Although his Grandfather was standing right there, he couldn’t help his anger. Tasha was the only thing he had left that reminded him of his mother who had died giving birth to her. That little girl was his world. He never left her side, and the minute he did, bullshit happened. Turk flew past Nino and shot up the steps with Adonis and Ramses on his tail. All of a sudden, he heard a blood-curdling scream coming from upstairs followed by Turk saying, “I’ll kill that nigga, he did that shit. She knew not to jump in the pool by herself,” he cried.

  They all came rushing back down the stairs. Turk had a knife in his hand as he walked up to Nino and pushed him up against the wall.

  “You killed my fucking sister, I swear to God I will cut a fucking whole in your neck bitch! You took my world away from me, Nino, my fucking world, she was only two,” he cried.

  “I didn’t do shit man, I turned my head for one minute and she was gone,” he lied. Turk could see right through him. His gut told him that Nino was responsible for ending his sister’s life. He brought the knife to Nino’s throat and was about to cut him until he was pulled back by Adonis and Ramses.

  “You will never be family, you will never be blood. You don’t belong here. I swear you gon’ get yours,” Turk spat as tears ran down his cheeks.

  “Turk, we don’t know what happened, we are about to have police here so we don’t need any extra attention. You can’t blame Nino if no one saw what happened, take Turk upstairs boys,” Mula said as he turned his attention to Nino.

  He waited for them to disappear up the steps before he spoke. “ If I ever find out that you killed my fucking Granddaughter, I will fucking kill you myself. I’m keeping my eyes on you… you better sleep with one eye open,” he said as he walked off.

  Turk seemed to zone out a little bit before Ramses snapped him out of his trance. “Well that nigga dead now. We gon’ give him a funeral?” he asked as he leaned over and shot a ball with the pool stick.

  “Nah, I had him buried in the Roberson cemetery. I’m cool with the owner; he and I go way back. They already had the hole dug for us and everything. His body was wrapped in a trash bag and we dropped that mothafucka down in there. Brandon immediately started covering his body with dirt. Afterwards I wrote, ‘Here lies Nino’ on a piece of cardboard and stuck it into the dirt and left. That bitch don’t deserve a funeral. They’ll never find him. Grams will just have to mourn because I ain’t wasting money on a funeral for a mothafucka that I don’t care about,” I said.

  “Well, then, it’s settled. Let’s finish this game of pool so that I can go home to my girl,” Ramses said.


  Persia and I were on the phone for two hours basically catching up and talking about any and everything. As I talked on the phone with her I couldn’t help but wonder when Adonis was going to be home. It was going on two in the morning. He never stayed out this late so I was worried that something happened or worse, he was with another woman. I didn’t want to think about it so I tried to think of something else.

  “BRIANA! Do you hear me talking to you?” she yelled.

  “Persia, where do you think Adonis is?”

  “Briana, I talked to Ramses earlier and I heard Adonis and Turk in the background. They sounded drunk. Let them have their night. It’s your first night back home and you’re already bugging girl. No he ain’t with no bitch. When you gon’ learn that that nigga only has eyes for you, Bri.”

  “It was just a thought that crossed my mind, Persia, I never said he was cheating on me. Damn stop jumping to conclusions.”

  “Yeah, whatever bitch.You jumped to conclusions first. Since you back home, are you coming to school tomorrow or what?”

  “Yes, I can’t wait to be back in the classroom, I’m thankful for Mr. Boone letting me do online classes while I was away. He helped me out so much.”

  “Bri, he only let you do that because he has a crush on you, if it was my ass, he would have failed me,” Persia said while laughing. I heard the front door close and I immediately got excited. That meant my love was home.

  “Persia, let me call you back, I just heard the door close. My baby is home,” I squealed. I was excited to see him again. I wanted Adonis to hold me so that I could go to sleep tonight. This was the first time we were going to sleep together since I left so I needed him and I needed him bad.

  “Ok bestie, I’ll see you in the morning,” Persia said. I quickly hung up and put my phone on the nightstand. I could hear him coming up the steps. Let me lay my ass down and fake like I’m asleep, I thought as I closed my eyes. Adonis stumbled into the room; I could hear him taking off his clothes. I heard him walk over to the bed. All of a sudden the covers were snatched off of me. He was now on top of me planting kisses on my ass and thighs.

  “Adonis, baby stop I’m sleeping,” I moaned. I tried my hardest to get his ass off of me, but he just didn’t understand the meaning of no. He smacked my ass hard and I instantly opened my eyes. He stood up completely naked with a bottle of Hennessy in his hand. He is definitely drunk, I thought as I looked at his ass like he was crazy.

  "Open your legs for me now," he demanded in that deep raspy tone.

  "Baby, you're drunk, just come to bed," I pleaded.

  “Don’t make me ask you again, Briana." A sexy smirk started to form on his face and my kitty started
to get wet. I guess we were about to have round two because now I was turned on. I just hope I didn’t wake up late for school tomorrow.


  “We will follow up on Monday about the OJ Simpson Case. Please complete pages 247 and 248 in your textbook. You all have a nice weekend and I will see you Monday, class is dismissed,” Mrs. Patterson said as she erased the board. It was my last class of the day and also lunchtime, so I was eager to get the hell out of here. As I walked out of class, I texted Bri to see if she was going to meet me in the cafeteria.

  Persia: I’m starving, are you getting lunch?

  Briana: Yes, I’m in the cafeteria in the lunch line now.

  I put my phone away smiling to myself. It was so crazy that my best friend and I were pregnant at the same time. I hope we both had little girls so that they could grow up being best friends just like us. As I made my way to the cafeteria, I spotted Briana in the line getting her lunch. I was going to let her finish checking out while I picked out what I wanted to eat. I had been craving peaches so badly and I needed them in my stomach fast! I decided on a fruit cup with a chicken salad and Dasani water to hold me over till dinner tonight. We were all going over to Grams house because she was cooking again. We weren’t spending the night, but since Briana was back, she wanted us all together. I purchased my items and spotted Briana over in the corner doing what appeared to be homework. As I walked over to her, she looked at me and smiled.

  “Girl, you are getting so thick. You are really looking like me now, P. That baby is doing you justice honey,” Briana said as she stuffed an French fry in her mouth.

  “Tell me about it, Bri, Ramses can’t keep his damn hands off me. It’s like he wants it damn near every night. My ass can’t keep up.”

  “They say pregnant pussy is the best pussy, Persia, that’s why he can’t get enough, have y’all thought about baby names yet?” she asked while staring at me.

  “No, it’s still early ya’ know, if anything, I can’t wait to see what I’m having. Names can wait afterwards,” I said as I devoured my peaches.

  “I hope I have a girl, I don’t need another crazy Adonis running around the house. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  “Who you telling!…I…” I was suddenly interrupted by a woman who looked unfamiliar. In fact, I had never seen her around the school before.

  “Do you mind if I sit here?” she asked. I could tell she was a little nervous. I was hesitant, but I kind of felt sorry for the girl. She constantly looked around as if she was afraid. I didn’t want to be mean and tell her no, so I looked at Briana to see if she wanted her to sit down with us or not. She simply shrugged her shoulders and stuffed more fries in her mouth.

  “Go ahead,” I said as we moved some of our books out of the way. Briana and I studied the girl. She was actually gorgeous. Her light skin looked sun kissed, she had dark black hair and full pouty lips and green eyes. She was petite, but it was a cute petite. Let’s just say she fit into her clothes very well. She looked like a lighter version of me to say the least.

  “I’m Miracle, thanks so much for letting me sit with you guys. I don’t know anybody here. I just moved to Chicago like a week ago,” she said.

  “Where did you move from?” I asked as I closed my notebooks.

  “I’m originally from Atlanta, but I needed new scenery ya’ know. I needed to get away from certain people,” she said as she took Briana and me in.

  “You girls are so pretty. Everyone else here looks plain, but I spotted you girls from all the way across the room, I usually don’t come up to random women and sit with them, but something told me to ask.”

  “Well, you’re fine. We don’t mind. We usually don’t talk to a lot of people up here anyway except for each other. We’re seniors, how about yourself?” Briana asked.

  “I’m a junior, I’m majoring in business,” she said proudly.

  “Well that’s great, Briana is majoring in nursing & I’m majoring in forensics,” I said. Miracle started to smile as though she was pleased with my answer. Briana immediately started bashing her food focusing all the attention on her.

  “You must really be hungry, is the school food really good? I’ve been thinking about trying it, but I don’t want to waste my money,” Miracle said as she studied Briana’s food.

  “Not really, I’m pregnant so I needed something in my stomach, plus I was starving.”

  “You’re pregnant? I can’t even tell. I wish I was your size when I was pregnant with my son,” Miracle added. Briana and I looked at each other crazy.

  “Girl you don’t even look like you have kids, we hope we look as good as you when we’re finished,” I said laughing.

  “Well, we can all be workout buddies or something. I have a nice workout and eating regimen I follow that got me back in shape quick, plus I could really use some friends to show me around since I don’t have any. I understand you guys are really close and I’m not trying to come in between that, but give me a chance,” Miracle asked.

  “Ok, we can show you around and introduce you to some people. It’s no biggie hun, welcome to Chicago.”

  “Thank you guys so much, I’m so happy I sat over here,” she said as she smiled at us.

  “Well, I have to go to the mall, if you ladies would like to join then you are more than welcome to,” Briana said as she began to put her books in her bag.

  Miracle and I both agreed to go and also packed up our belongings. Within minutes we were out of the school and on our way to the mall in separate cars.


  As the girls and I walked through the mall and conversed, we came across Victoria Secret. I wanted to see their new lingerie line so I had the girls come in with me. As we walked in, I immediately smiled because I saw Turk on the phone talking to someone. Thing was I didn’t understand why he was in Victoria secret by himself, but knowing Turk, he had to have a female with him because he always did.

  I looked at Persia and Persia pointed to Miracle smiling. She was drooling at the mouth when she saw Turk. I giggled inside, then a light bulb flashed in my head; I was going to hook these two up. Turk needed a good woman by his side. I know I didn’t know, Miracle but it seemed as though she had a good head on her shoulders. Turk didn’t see us so I decided to sneak up on him and surprise him. As I got closer, he appeared to be in a heated conversation with another female. Typical Turk, I thought as I tapped his shoulder.

  “Hold on, somebody done touched me fam, I’m about to backhand the shit out of this mothafucka bruh,” Turk said with his back still turned to me.

  “Boy, you ain’t gon’ back hand shit,” I said laughing. He immediately turned around and smiled and gave me a hug.

  “If it wasn’t you, I was seriously gon’ do some damage to yo mothafuckin face fam. I’m relieved it was somebody I knew because I ain’t want to have to get put out,” he said laughing. I shook my head and playfully hit him in the arm as I looked around.

  “Who are you in here with,” I asked.

  “Man you see that thotty over there with the blond hair picking out some shit, I’m with her because of how good her head is,” he explained.

  “That’s nice of you to be buying her something, you trying to settle down or nah?”

  “Settle down for who? Shit that bitch only getting the 5 panties for 27 dollars fam.”

  I busted out laughing and pointed to where Miracle and Persia were standing. “Well I’m here with them, so we’re just shopping and having a girl’s day,” I said as I studied him. His smile instantly turned into a serious glare. He was staring at her so hard that he didn’t even hear me talking to him. “TURK!” I yelled for the thousandth time.

  “Who is that with y’all?” he asked never taking his eyes off her.

  “That’s Miracle, she goes to the same school…” he ignored me and started to walk over there before I could finish my sentence. Miracle saw that he was coming and quickly looked down. The scene that played before me made me smile. Miracle reminded me of myse
lf when I met Adonis. You could tell she was nervous as hell.

  “Wassup Pleasure P?” Turk said referring to Persia. Persia rolled her eyes and laughed as she watched them.

  “I ain’t never seen you around here before and trust me I know everybody in Chicago ma, what’s your name?”

  “I’m Miracle, I just moved here a week ago. I don’t know anyone but these two,” Miracle said.

  “Well, I’m Turk. You should let me take you out some time. I could show you around,” he mentioned getting straight to the point.

  “I’m good, you’re in Victoria Secret, which means you’re here with a female. And judging by the look on the woman’s face in the corner, you must be here with her, I don’t do players papi. You should go pay for her shit before she comes over here and goes off on your ass. I’ll see you around Mr. ‘I know everybody in Chicago’,” Miracle said as she walked away into the PINK section of the store.

  Turk stood there and smirked as he looked at her ass as she walked away. She had given Turk a dose of his own medicine and I’m sure a female never talked that way to him.

  “She mine and don’t even know it,” he said as he nodded his head. “Y’all need to help me get with her or I ain’t talking to y’all no more,” Turk said eyeing Briana and I.

  “Nigga are you two or twenty-four, she’s a good girl and you’re a bad boy. She doesn’t need you in her life, plus she has a son. You said you hated dating women with kids,” Persia said laughing.

  “Man for her I’ll make an exception, I’ll take the lil nigga to Mickey D’s and get him a toy if he want one.”

  “Turk it’s more stuff you have to do, a woman loves a man that connects with her child. Y’all would need to form a bond if you planned on going further with her,” I said shaking my head. Turk had no idea what he was about to get himself into.